Find out more about the platform responsible for collecting reports from Internet users about spam !
Create an account to report spam and access your "Espace Signalant".
Download the module that corresponds to your messaging environment and install it.
Report spam from your inbox and track its progress in your Espace Signalant.
How to Signal Spam works through you?
Information sharing
Thanks to your reports, Signal Spam gathers information essential to identifying spammers, and shares it with those able to take appropriate action.
Alerts enable regulation of the e-mailing market: Any entity wishing to join Signal Spam must make a declaration of compliance with Signal Spam's code of ethics, in order to access alerts concerning its dispatch infrastructure.
digital proof
Reports provide the digital evidence needed by investigators and authorities to :
National spam reporting platform
Created in 2005, Signal Spam is a not-for-profit association working for more responsible practices and greater consideration of Internet users' rights.
Signal Spam is a public-private partnership that enables Internet users to report anything they consider to be spam in their mailboxes, and then assign it to the public authority or professional best able to take action against the spam reported.